Why you should drink water after a remedial massage?

Why you should drink water after a remedial massage?
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Why you should drink water after a remedial massage?

Why you should drink water after a remedial massageRemedial massage is a therapeutic style that uses specific techniques to treat musculoskeletal issues like chronic pain, injuries, and imbalances. Unlike lighter relaxation massage, remedial massage utilises deeper pressure and focused bodywork to release restrictions in muscle fibers, fascia, and joints. While highly effective, this more intensive approach places considerable demands on the body’s tissues. That’s why drinking water after a remedial massage is so important. Here are several key reasons you will want to keep hydrated following this type of massage:

1. Flush Out Lactic Acid and Metabolic Waste

The firm pressure and invigorating strokes used during a remedial massage will cause lactic acid and other metabolic wastes to be released from the muscle fibers into the bloodstream. Drinking water helps flush these waste byproducts out of the body more efficiently.

2. Rehydrate the Muscles

The deep compression and friction involved in remedial techniques can dehydrate and deplete fluids and electrolytes within the muscle tissues. Keeping hydrated replaces these lost fluids, preventing cramping and accelerating recovery.

3. Reduce Post-Massage Soreness

Although remedial massage relieves chronic muscle pain, the intensity of the work can leave the muscles feeling achy and sore temporarily. Proper hydration minimises inflammation and alleviates this short-term soreness.

4. Support Lymphatic Drainage

While improving blood circulation, remedial massage stimulates lymphatic flow to aid in removing metabolic waste from the body. Drinking water helps this detoxification process by facilitating lymph drainage.

5. Prevent Dizziness or Nausea

The physical demands of a remedial session can sometimes lead to lightheadedness, dizziness or nausea in clients if they don’t rehydrate afterward. Water helps to stabilise blood pressure and electrolyte levels.

6. Enhance the Therapeutic Benefits

Correct hydration allows the body to efficiently utilise the benefits received during the remedial session. The muscles and soft tissues can remain supple and pliable rather than becoming stiff after the intensive therapy.

Most massage therapists recommend drinking at least 8-16 ounces of water immediately after a remedial massage and continuing to hydrate frequently over the next 1-2 days. This fluid replenishment is crucial for flushing out metabolic byproducts, recovering from muscle soreness, and maximising the overall therapeutic effects. Keeping hydrated with water is an easy yet vital step to gain the full value from this type of deeper, rehabilitative massage.