Can Chiropractic Help with Back Pain?

Can Chiropractic Help with Back Pain? | Central City Professionals
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Can Chiropractic Help with Back Pain?

Can Chiropractic Help with Back PainChiropractic care is an effective option for the majority of back pain which has a muscular, joint, or nerve related component.

For conditions of spinal pain that have related causes outside of the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles, and skeleton) that Chiropractors cannot treat, they can give an insight as to where the origin of the pain stems from and thus lead any patients to an appropriate direction with a referral.

Chiropractors are also well equipped to diagnose nerve related injuries that start from the spine, nerve entrapments such as carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches and migraines, and other musculoskeletal conditions.

What treatment will I receive?

Chiropractors tend to treat differently at an individual level, although the bread and butter of their interventions involve treating muscular causes of pain with soft tissue therapies. These may include one or more of the following: trigger point therapy, Graston/IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilisation), massage, stretching, and dry needling.

To help with joint pain or discomfort and increase joint range of motion, Chiropractors may use one or more of the following: manual joint manipulation, joint mobilisations, and Activator® adjustment method.

Other interventions may also include Kinesio Taping®, Thompson Drop Technique, and McKenzie exercises.

Finally, exercise therapy/rehabilitation is always recommended for long term results and healing, and your Chiropractor can advise on the best plan for you.

Evidence for Chiropractic?

In a recent study by the JAMA Network, it was identified that for those in the military suffering from back pain, Chiropractic was found to be a more effective method of pain relief in comparison to traditional techniques.

Here at Central City Chiropractic, we utilise evidence-based techniques in order to provide you with optimal results and to provide you with long-lasting relief.

When to Visit a Chiropractor?

If you have any spinal related pain short (Acute/Subacute – less than 12 weeks/3 months ) or long term (Chronic – above 3 months), upper limb or lower limb pain, pins and needles, headaches, or if you are worried that the cause of spinal pain could be sinister in nature, then book an appointment!

During all Initial Chiropractic consultations, a Case History is taken as well as a thorough examination to screen for any red flags.

Solutions for Your Back Pain?

Today, a large percentage of our population are office workers or manual labourers, who spend large amounts of time crouching over computers, or lots of heavy lifting. Rigidity in our spine due to sitting or standing in poor postures can become harmful over time. This contributes to over 4 million Australians suffering from back pain (ABS, 2018). Due to this, we must take extra care for our bodies to protect our neck and back from the impacts of poor posture in the long term. Here at Central City Chiropractic, we aim to help you do just that!

Chiropractic is just one of many ways that back pain can be treated. Since we are located within a multi-modality clinic, we never shy away from providing a holistic approach to your health. Therefore, if it turns out that Chiropractic is not the most suitable treatment option for you, we will happily refer you to one of our Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, or Remedial Massage therapists who will be able to assist you through your recovery process. Your health is our number one priority.

If you are tossing up whether to visit a Physiotherapist vs a Chiropractor, it may be helpful to think of a Physiotherapist as someone who deals with muscular pain, whereas Chiropractors deals more with skeletal issues. If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to contact one of our friendly reception staff who will be able to provide you with information tailored to your specific case.

What to Expect?

During your Initial Consultation, your Chiropractor will discuss long and short-term goals with you based on the duration of your condition, evidence related to your condition management, and your own individual response.

Our Chiropractors will walk you through the process of the suggested treatment before starting so that there are no surprises, whether it is a joint or drop piece manipulation, joint mobilisation, or any of the soft tissue techniques. Please ask the Chiropractors about any queries or concerns you may have, as we always take into account your comfort and consent, and we have multiple options when it comes to our suggested interventions.

Of our treatment tools and options, the first is using the Activator® adjustment methods. The Activator® is a gentle instrument that works well for those who have arthritis, osteoporosis, or feel unsure about traditional manual approaches. This uses a high velocity low amplitude thrust/force via the activator instrument.

A second treatment option is drop-piece manipulation, where a force is applied to a joint via a special table that limits any spinal rotation.

A third treatment method option is a manual manipulation. To release a joint while the patient is in a specific position, a high velocity low amplitude thrust is applied through the Chiropractors’ hands and often an audible sound is heard. Although this sound is not indicative of the effectiveness of the manoeuvre, it often lets the patient and Chiropractor know that the joint surfaces have been separated.

Finally, joint mobilisations are a step back from the second and third options, and do not use a high velocity thrust but rather a small force over a longer period of time to affect the joint.

Rest assured that your bones are not being moved during your manipulations. If you hear a noise during the adjustment, that is just gas being released from the joint, allowing it to move with its normal range of motion again. You may feel sore for a day or two after your first adjustment, which is very completely normal.

If you have any questions about Chiropractic care, please give us a call or send our reception team an email.